Sunday, June 10, 2007

Oh, Florida

Today I flew to Florida for work - I'll be taking a week-long training class about some assistive technology that makes it possible for blind users to work with our software.

The trip went about as well as can be expected. It was lovely to get some time to just read - I plowed through Joe Hill's "Heart-Shaped Box" and "The Demon and the City," by Liz Williams. They're both very enjoyable, and you should run out and read them right now, if you haven't already. It sucked that I finished them both with an hour left of plane trip, and nothing left to read but the Sky Mall catalog, but hey! the reading I did do was great. I'll be sure to pack 3 or 4 books for the return trip.

I'm not enjoying the weather here too much - it feels grossly hot and humid, though I'm told it's only 81 degrees, and 82% humidity. I know it can be much worse. But now I know why Sean was so eager to get the hell out of Florida and move in with me...


Sean Markey said...
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Sean Markey said...


Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you'll be able to receive some training to help the blind workers in your office. Proper training and assistance is so critical for helping those who need the extra help.

Unknown said...

I lived in Florida for a year. That was as long as I could take it.

Beth said...

The amazing thing is how well the assistive technologies work right out of the box... and with a little attention by the development staff, blind workers can do everything sighted workers can, without much inconvenience. It's amazing when it all works out - but it does take some work. It's an area we've been paying a lot of attention to for the past few years, and our products are getting very accessible these days. :)