Saturday, March 01, 2008

70 Days of Sweat

So, my whole plan for February did not really work out. I did get some writing done on a few days, and managed to get exercise in on a few days, but overall: pathetic in terms of those objectives! It was a crazy month, though: dealing with the car, going to Radcon, getting sick AGAIN (I am tired of getting sick!). On the plus side, I got to go to Radcon, and Shimmer released the much-delayed Art issue, and best of all, this sucky month is OVER.

Onward, March!

I've signed up for 70 Days of Sweat, a nano-like challenge. Your objective is to write a few pages every day (with a few days off built in) for 70 days--so it's a longer course than Nano, and as far as I can see, the focus is a bit more serious (though it's hard to be less serious than the Nano folks!). I figure it'll take me at least 70k more words to finish off my Nano novel, so that's what I'm aiming for here. That means about 1,000 words a day. Perfectly possible, if I can just get off my ass and do it.

Well, that's what March is for.


Portia Da Costa said...

Hi Beth

Good luck with the Sven challenge!

I suppose it's sort of serious, but also a lot of fun too. I've never done NaNo myself, but judging by what others have said about it, the Seventy Days of Sweat is actually a more relaxed and manageable challenge. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Beth!

I just hopped over from 70 Days to say I hope you're felling better soon. Good luck with the challenge! :-D

Jen P.