Friday, April 06, 2007

Home sick

So I'm home from work today. I'm not feeling well, which sucks, but it'll give me a chance to do lots of napping, and get caught up on a lot of things in between naps.

All eleventy-billion copies of Shimmer have gone out to subscribers; I'm looking forward to hearing what everyone thinks about this issue.

I'm planning on doing a lot of reading today. That includes reading some stuff by my friend Sara Genge, who is everywhere these days: she's got a story up at Helix, and is a contributor to The Daily Cabal. Also in the pile is the debute issue of All Possible Worlds, which I'm very curious to read.

And of course I have a heaping pile of Shimmer work to do. I expect I'll get through a lot of it - but first, a nap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon, Beth. :-)
