Sunday, April 08, 2007

Sugar Sugar

Feeling a bit better today, though my stomach still feels a bit unreliable.

I spent a large portion of today cleaning out the kitchen. I mean really cleaning it - the kind of cleaning where you take everything off the shelves and throw away half of it and then scrub down the shelves and cabinet doors and wash the walls. It's a huge amount of work, and I'm tired - but there's still a lot more to do.

Once again I'm amazed at the crap I found to throw out. A big bottle of cheap cooking oil with an expiration date of 2002. Unlabeled spices in little plastic baggies from the bulk spice section at the natural foods store. Vast quantities of ancient tupperware with no lids and other deformities.

What amazed me the most, though, was the sugar. I don't use much sugar, so I was surprised to find several pounds of plain sugar, 2 containers of brown sugar, 2 of confectioner's sugar, 2 bottles of molasses (with about a teaspoon missing from each), 1 bottle of corn syrup, and 3 bottles of cheap crappy maple syrup. I threw out what I needed to, dusted and consolidated the rest, and arranged it all neatly on the sugar shelf.

Then it was time to clean out the lower cabinets. I sorted out all the pots and pans and appliances and cleaned -- and when I moved everything out, in the very back of one cabinet, in a location that's so difficult to reach that I actually had to crawl into the cabinet, I found... more sugar.


Still more cleaning to do...

I took a few hours off to go dye eggs with my friend Keri and her kids. Mine is purple and has a unicorn and a rainbow on it.

Happy Easter, y'all.


Wordly said...

Hi, Beth! I have discovered blogging, and what a neat thing! Mostly it seems the Liberty Hallers are over at LJ, but this looks cool, too :) I miss the emoties; what is a post without 'moticons, I ask you!? Other than tidier and less cluttered, of course.

Which, speaking of, I see that you're having fun. I'm with you on the notebooks--I've got a dozen and ended up tossing a few during my last desk-a-thon clear out. Notebooks are very liberating, though. You have to have a lot of notebooks, and they make such cute ones these days, too.

Anyway, yes, it is amazing the things that fill the back of cupboards. It feels great when you finish that sort of thing, too, as if there's real accomplishment going on. And plus, there's room for more clutter! :D

Adorable photos, what a cute kid you were!

Beth said...

Hi Wordly! Thanks.

Most of the notebooks aren't cute at all, just the v. plain 1-subject college ruled kind. I'm glad to have a bunch, but one whole milk crate full of empty ones is, perhaps, too much.

I read a bunch of LJ blogs, but never quite understood the LJ "community" thing. some people are so obsessive about their friends lists!