Saturday, September 29, 2007

Day Three. . .

So I'm on Day Three of being sick. I'm exhausted, my brain is full of pudding, I'm achey, and my throat is raspy. I spend most of my time reading or napping or just sitting stupidly and watching TV.

I think it's the pudding-head that bothers me the most. I'm happy to spend the weekend curled up in bed with a book - I just wish I had the brains available to enjoy it.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you are a puddin' head. Feel better very soon.

Anonymous said...

Dittoing Mary's comment. Be well.

Christie Skipper Ritchotte said...

Aww, sorry I didn't see this. I didn't even get to try to mangle some chicken soup for you (and no, I don't mean wrangle). Feeling better yet?