Monday, November 27, 2006

How the Other Half Lives

It's no secret that I am not a morning person. Through much of my life, I've been lucky enough to arrange things to accommodate my natural sleep cycle, more or less - I argue that going to work 9 am is still pretty damn early, but must admit that it's a reasonable compromise between 6 and noon.

But today my luck ran out. I had to be at work by 7 AM for a class. (Was the class worth such a sacrifice? No comment.)

It's still dark at 7; who knew? And there are LOTS of people awake at that hour. I knew that, but have rarely seen this behavior in the wild, so it has the power to amaze me.

Getting up that early went way better than I expected. And I have to admit that there are some advantages to getting an early start: I got to leave before most of my coworkers, and soon I'm heading off for a yoga class that I can't usually attend.

But, really. 7 AM? WTF?

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