Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Getting back to normal....

It's a cold day in Salt Lake, alternating rain and snow. It would have been a great day to call in sick at work and just nap all day, but responsibility won out, and I ended up being pretty productive. I have a great mountain of Shimmer stuff to catch up on, as well - I got way behind when Sean was out here. We had a great time together, mostly just hanging out, but also took time to make pizza for friends, and go to another friend's housewarming party. It was really great, and I'm really looking forward to him moving out here.

After work tonight, I headed off to a yoga class. A year ago, I was in really great shape and yoga came easily to me. For one reason or another - travel, changes in the studio schedule, etc - my practice faded away, and now every class that I do make it to is really challenging. It's hard, remembering how strong I used to be, to have to do so many modifications to asanas. But the great thing about yoga is how it works at any level. Even when I'm taking it really easy, I can just focus on breathing and moving and at the end of class, I'm stronger and more stable.

Tonight we spent a lot of time in Ardha Chandrasana, which is really good at developing both strength and stability. And it's one of the asanas I can do reasonably well, so it was fun.

And now, for dinner: grilled chicken with spicy peanut sauce, and edamame. Yum.

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