Sunday, July 01, 2007


I just sprained the fuck out of my left ankle. Just an innocent walk around the block with Sean and the dog, and somehow I tripped and fell badly - very badly. It was bad enough that Sean went and fetched the car so I wouldn't have to hobble a block home. And now I am setted in on the couch, foot elevated on a stack of pillows, with my laptop. Sean is being perfectly solicitous and fetching things for me, because he is super-awesome.

So, what else should I have him fetch, while he's in a fetching mood? Leave your suggestions in the comments.


Sean Markey said...

Cake and ice cream, 50 dollars from beth's purse (into sean's pocket,) a new ankle-- stat, making out, some dvds, popcorn, and cocktails (we are taking donations for those last 3 items, fyi.)

Paul Abbamondi said...

Make him fetch a dozen more pillows so you can build a fort around yourself!

Anonymous said...

Banai and Skipper both want me to leave a snide comment about how this would have never happened had you come to my birthday party. However, I am a bigger man that, and would never use your pain as an excuse to make you feel bad for not coming up the mountain to my party.

Anonymous said...

Clearly you need something to read, bon-bons and flowers. Maybe some laudanum?

Christie Skipper Ritchotte said...

Sean should bring George Clooney, a winged pink pony with gumdrop hooves, and a case of black licorice. (If you don't like black licorice, you can give it to friends, wink wink, nudge nudge.)

Artemisin said...

sean should bring a doctor. didn't you have it looked at? I'm not sure about your ankle, but mine is worth a couple x-rays.

Poppasan said...

The Daily Telegraph cryptic crossword. Then he has to solve it.